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Supporting you take back control of your wellbeing through personalised nutrition and motivational coaching.

Image by Gaby Yerden
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BSc (Hons), DipION, mBANT, CNHC

Hi, I'm Gemma - a registered Nutritional Therapist and accredited transformative coach specialising in supporting optimal ageing, hormonal, immune and digestive health and stress resilience.

After more than a decade of ill health and an eventual diagnosis of endometriosis, I'd reached the point where I'd exhausted all traditional medical interventions to regain my well-being with no success. I realised the only way I'd ever feel truly healthy again was to take the responsibility for my wellness back into my own hands. This started my interest in researching how nutrition and lifestyle changes could improve my symptoms which ultimately led to my training as a qualified Nutritional Therapist. 

Using evidence-based research and nutrigenomic testing to identify how my genetics may have been contributing to my health problem, I've been able to significantly reduce the chronic fatigue and debilitating pain that was holding me back from living my best life. I've never felt better.

By combining personalised nutritional, nutrigenomic testing, lifestyle changes and positive coaching techniques I help my clients achieve optimal results so that they can start to thrive again as well.


Interested in knowing how Nutritional Therapy or coaching could help you? Contact me on the below details or send me a quick message and I'll book you in for a 15-minute call to answer your questions.

London, United Kingdom

Tel: 07502 349 568

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